Issue 09


“The Dispossessed”

by Bruce Robinson

“Turf Houses, Iceland” by Francois Bereaud

bereft of their trees
the birds recalculate their
shorn geometries


Recent work by Bruce Robinson appears or is forthcoming in Tar River Poetry, Spoon River, Rattle, Mantis, Two Hawks Quarterly, Peregrine, Tipton Poetry Journal, North Dakota Quarterly, and Aji. A graduate of Kenyon and Johns Hopkins, he divides his time uncertainly between Brooklyn and Albany, NY, as do, though not without protest, his several cats.

Francois Bereaud is a husband, dad, full-time math professor/mentor in the San Diego Congolese refugee community, mountain biker, and mediocre hockey player. His stories and essays have been published online and in print. His work has earned Pushcart and Best of the Net nominations. The Counter Pharma-Terrorist & The Rebound Queen is his published chapbook and the realization of a dream. You can find links to his writing at He loves travel and occasionally snaps a worthwhile picture.


"Implications of Ghosts" by Kimberly Ramos


"NOCTURNE" by Russel Swensen